Results 41 to 50 of 152
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Blue Point Juniper
Juniperus chinensis 'Blue Point'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  12 feet
Spread:  9 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A beautiful evergreen shrub for the garden with characteristic blue-green needle-like foliage and blue berries; unique conical...

Plant Photo 2
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Blue Arrow Juniper
Juniperus scopulorum 'Blue Arrow'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  12 feet
Spread:  4 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

An extremely narrow and upright small evergreen tree, with showy powdery blue foliage and blue berries; adaptable to dry soils,...

Plant Photo 3
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Medora Juniper
Juniperus scopulorum 'Medora'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  10 feet
Spread:  3 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A compact upright, pyramidal evergreen shrub with soft textured blue needle-like foliage all season long and showy blue berries,...

Plant Photo 4
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Ann Magnolia
Magnolia 'Ann'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  10 feet
Spread:  10 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A hybrid magnolia selected for its spectacular lavender cup-shaped flowers in spring before the leaves and improved hardiness; a...

Plant Photo 5
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Royal Star Magnolia
Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  12 feet
Spread:  12 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An ideal accent tree for smaller home landscapes, features extremely fragrant star-shaped snow-white flowers in early spring,...

Plant Photo 6
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Blizzard Mockorange
Philadelphus 'Blizzard'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  7 feet
Spread:  5 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A large, sprawling shrub smothered in sweetly fragrant large white blooms in early summer, recedes into the background the rest...

Plant Photo 7
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Snow White™ Mockorange
Philadelphus 'Snowwhite Fantasy'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  6 feet
Spread:  5 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A stunning flowering shrub covered in lovely citrus scented double white blooms in late spring; spectacular in flower, fades to...

Plant Photo 8
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Little Devil™ Ninebark
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Donna May'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  4 feet
Spread:  3 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A compact upright shrub with burgundy leaves; features small pinkish-white spirea-like flowers followed by subtle reddish fruit,...

Plant Photo 9
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Fireside® Ninebark
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Fireside'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  6 feet
Spread:  5 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A upright, rounded shrub with stunning foliage; copper new growth matures to deep burgundy-black, then deep purple in fall;...

Plant Photo 10
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Amber Jubilee™ Ninebark
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Jefam'

Plant Type:  shrub
Height:  6 feet
Spread:  4 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

Quite the colorful shrub, this garden beauty boasts yellow-orange-red new foliage in spring and summer, maturing to lime green...

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